What Is Corporate Team Building?

Corporate Team Group

When you are part of a large business or corporation, it can be difficult to keep a personalised working dynamic compared to working for a smaller company. Because there are multiple departments with different management levels and up to hundreds of people working across different locations, it can be tough for management to create that personal ‘small business’ morale in a corporate business. This is where team building days and exercises provide the perfect opportunity for different departments to meet, network and work on different professional and personal skills.

Depending on the type of team building day you plan, it also gives employees a chance to practice and exercise a range of skills that they can bring back to their workplace to help in their professional development. Team building days allow employees to spend time with their colleagues outside of their usual work environment and to participate in planned activities that they might not have experienced before

What Are The Main Types of Team Building?

There are a wealth of team building days that suit small companies, to large corporate groups. These days are usually planned with handpicked activities to suit your employees’ abilities and designed to work on particular skills. The main types of team building days include: indoor activities, outdoors activities, weekend or week-long activities and corporate ‘away days.’ 

Depending on your goals and your budget, you will find one of these types caters to what you are looking for. Once you have selected the type of team building day you want, you can then start planning the location and activities.

Corporate team building days don’t have to be as heavily regimented. These types of days can also be a chance for employees to celebrate and blow off steam. For instance if the company has reached an important milestone, then it’s a chance for employees to celebrate together in a less formal environment other than the workplace.

If you’re looking for an action-packed outdoor team building day, you can find a range of activities that we offer by clicking here.

What Are the Benefits of Team Building Days?

Team building days (and corporate ‘away days’) can offer a range of benefits for your colleagues and employees. Firstly, they offer a significant morale boost, and this can continue even after the team building day has finished. 

These days also offer the opportunity for colleagues to network and bond outside of their usual workplace and constraints, and this can help form stronger professional relationships that can greatly benefit the team moving forward. It’s also beneficial if you have a group of employees that have recently joined the team, as it offers an informal ice-breaker and a chance for the new members to get to know their new colleagues.

Team members will also feel appreciated by the company, as they have planned these events especially for them. This can help improve employee retention and increase long-term morale in the workplace. 

On top of this, you also have the newly practised and enhanced skills that your workforce will have acquired on the team building day. Whether it was communication, problem solving or leadership, your colleagues can now go back into the workplace with increased confidence and polished skills that they can use in their day-to-day work life.

For more information on corporate team building days and to plan one for your team, click here.