3 Things To Include In A Team Building Day

A Team Building Day (or Corporate Away Day) is a chance to take your team out of their usual work environment and let them experience something more unique with their colleagues and away from their typical work constraints. These days can be a great opportunity to work on your team’s skills, such as: communication, problem-solving and leadership. These days can also be a chance for co-workers to blow off some steam or an opportunity to celebrate a company milestone.
Whatever type of day you are planning for your team, there are 3 things you should include to ensure you plan a fun and memorable day.
Plan A Unique Team Building Day
Team Building Days are an opportunity for your workforce to experience something they would most likely never choose for themselves. If you choose an activity that your team is familiar with, the day won’t be as impactful or as memorable. There are a range of activities that you can choose from that are accessible for your team and also offer unique experiences.
We offer a range of active and adrenaline-pumping outdoor activities tailored to team building and corporate away days. Choose from our package deals to find the right activities for your team so you can plan a memorable team building day. Click here to book.
Plan Breaks During the Team Building Day
Although you want to ensure your team is highly engaged in the team building day, you need to avoid packing the day too tightly with activities and events. So make sure you schedule time for your team to take breaks, have lunch and to decompress. This is still a day away from their work, so you don’t want the day to feel like they are back at work when they’re meant to be having a fun time!
Having time where your team can sit with their colleagues and talk about their day is also a chance for them to bond, improve their communication and improve the dynamic of the whole team. So don’t underestimate how valuable this downtime is during the team building day.
Take Photos To Remember The Team Building Day
One of the main purposes of team building and corporate away days is that it creates memories that the whole team can be a part of. These memories can create a team that is more tightly-knit and has a much better dynamic than when they started the day. So don’t be camera-shy and take loads of photos of your team taking part in the day! Then you can capture memories that your team can look back on and enjoy together and will reinforce the bonds that they created during that day.
If you’re looking for unique outdoor activities for your team, click here to browse our range of packages and plan your ideal team building day.